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Frequently Asked Questions

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Q1: What is genetic testing in relation to fertility?

-->  Genetic testing assesses genetic information to identify potential risks and hereditary conditions that might impact fertility or the health of future offspring.


Q2: When is genetic testing recommended?

---> Genetic testing is recommended when there's a family history of genetic disorders, recurrent miscarriages, or advanced maternal age. It helps in making informed decisions about family planning.


Q3: What are the types of genetic tests in fertility?

---> Carrier screening checks for genetic conditions that might be passed on to children, while preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) screens embryos during in vitro fertilization to choose healthy ones.


Q4: How does genetic testing impact family planning?

---> Genetic testing provides crucial insights into the potential risks of passing on genetic disorders, enabling couples to make informed choices about conception methods and pregnancy management.


Q5: Is genetic testing covered by insurance?

---> Insurance coverage varies. Some carriers might cover testing if there's a medical reason or family history of genetic disorders. Consult your insurance provider for details.


Q6: Can men experience infertility?

---> Yes, male infertility is common. Factors like low sperm count, poor sperm motility, structural abnormalities, and hormonal imbalances can contribute.


Q7: What causes male infertility?

---> Male infertility can result from medical conditions, lifestyle factors, environmental exposure, or genetic factors that affect sperm production or function.


Q8: How is male infertility diagnosed?

---> Diagnosis involves a comprehensive medical history, physical examination, and semen analysis to assess sperm count, motility, and morphology.


Q9: Can male infertility be treated?

---> Yes, treatment options depend on the underlying cause. Lifestyle changes, medication, surgery, or assisted reproductive techniques like IVF and ICSI might be recommended.


Q10: How can lifestyle impact male fertility?

---> Factors like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, poor diet, and high stress levels can negatively affect sperm quality and fertility.

Experience the Miracle of Life with Fertility Pune

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